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100% availability – that's what your customers want

Nobody needs telephone queues. Nor voice control or answering machines. And certainly not: "Sorry, I'm afraid I couldn't understand that – please try again later".

There are no-gos in customer service that you should avoid at all costs, or leave to the competition. Your customers deserve better. It goes without saying: a personal "Hello, what can I do for you?" And then a subsequent proposal for a solution that meets the caller's satisfaction. And to provide this 24 hours a day. This is what we understand as customer retention in medium-sized companies.

So, let's do it.

Fancy this?

  • Constant availability, even 24/7
  • Customer retention thanks to optimised customer service
  • Greater productivity due to relieving the load on staff

And also this?

  • Fewer costs
  • Higher flexibility
  • Measurable key figures

Then choose CDS because...

  • We are always available for your customers
  • We ask the right questions on the phone
  • We organise complex processes ourselves

Technical fault acceptance

One of the most important points of contact for long-term customer satisfaction. Do not miss this chance. Our trained employees have a sympathetic ear for your customers' concerns around the clock – and also for what it takes to find a solution quickly. No caller has to wait with their technical problem until the next morning, when they're, in any case, back in the thick of their business.

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The telephone switchboard is the most important hub for your customers and those who want to become one. You should operate it professionally: with trained customer care providers who know your company inside out, who have a grasp on annual leave schedules and who do not lose their heads, even when dealing with technically demanding questions. Yes, it's possible to learn how to conduct telephone calls. You'll be getting the pros.

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You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. That's why you're best off leaving customer service to us. We bring the specialist expertise, the technical capacities and human resources with us. In addition to cost savings, the outsourcing brings you the benefit of more freedom for your core business as well as greater professionalism and higher quality in customer service. Come on over to CDS.

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Technische Störungsannahme

Einer der wichtigsten Berührungspunkte für eine langfristige Kundenzufriedenheit. Vergeben Sie diese Chance nicht. Unsere geschulten Mitarbeiter haben rund um die Uhr ein offenes Ohr für die Anliegen Ihrer Kunden – und das Zeug zu einer schnellen Lösungsfindung. Kein Anrufer muss mit seinem technischen Problem bis zum nächsten Morgen warten, an dem er ohnehin selbst wieder mitten im Business steckt.

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Die Telefonzentrale ist der wichtigste Knotenpunkt zu Ihren Kunden und denen, die es noch werden möchten. Das sollten Sie professionell bedienen: mit geschulten Kundenkümmerern, die Ihr Unternehmen in- und auswendig kennen, Urlaubspläne im Blick haben und auch bei technisch anspruchsvollen Fragestellungen nicht den Kopf verlieren. Ja, telefonieren kann man lernen. Sie bekommen die Profis.

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Es gibt keine zweite Chance für den ersten Eindruck. Darum überlassen Sie den Kundenservice besser uns. Wir bringen das fachliche Know-how, die technischen Kapazitäten und personellen Ressourcen mit. Neben der Kosteneinsparung profitieren Sie durch die Auslagerung von mehr Freiraum für Ihr Kerngeschäft sowie von einer höheren Professionalität und Qualität im Kundenservice. Raus damit zu CDS.

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CDS takes the protection of both your own data and that of your customers very seriously. We always treat personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations. Insofar as we collect personal data, this is always done on a voluntary basis, as far as possible. We will not pass your data or your customers's data on to third parties without your express consent.


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